Offer ends Sunday 11th November 2018 – Call or book now!
Have you ever thought about how much time and effort you dedicate to shaving or waxing every week? Maybe it’s time to look for an alternative. We’ve asked our expert practitioners why Laser Hair Removal is so beneficial and about the many ways it can have a positive impact on your lifestyle.
The true costs of shaving and waxing versus Laser Hair Removal
Harper’s Bazaar reports that the average woman spends around 8 whole weeks of her life waxing, costing as much as £23,000.
At a first glance, shaving seems to be less expensive and less time consuming – plus it can be easily done at home. However, this almost daily beauty routine has a disastrous impact on the planet. Disposable razors will be a part of the landscape for a very long time. Most are made of plastic and can’t be recycled.
Laser Hair Removal is the safe and cost-efficient alternative
Once you begin your Laser Hair Removal treatments, you will no longer need to waste your money on regular shaving and waxing. Or even stress when preparing for a holiday!
Here at Good Skin Days, we have made it easy for you! £35 per session on our most popular areas. We offer the best lasers in Yorkshire and industry-leading standards in staff training and medical facilities. Find here some of our amazing customer reviews and the many ways Laser Hair Removal has made them feel more happy and confident.
"I've had laser hair removal on my neck and face. The course has been amazing, I've had fantastic results. This has helped me improve my personal confidence and also it's been amazing in such a short space of time - the results were so easily achievable.
The staff are so helpful and professional. Thank you so much! :)"
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal include:
1. No in-grown hair
In-grown hairs can be very painful and are often a result of shaving or waxing. Laser Hair Removal doesn’t cause them at all – in fact it’s known to stop them from appearing.
2. No waiting for hair growth
Unlike other treatments that require a length of hair to work with, Laser Hair Removal is most effective on clean-shaved areas. While you are partway through your course, you can continue to shave as needed in between sessions. However, for best results, once you have started your treatment our practitioners strongly advise not to wax or tweeze, so to not damage your hair follicles.
3. Painless & precise treatments at the highest speed
Our newest lasers have an integrated skin-cooling system, which keeps the treated area from heating up, protecting it from the risk of burns. Our flagship lasers are the 2018 MeDioStar NeXT PRO XL – the most advanced Laser Hair Removal system available. They feature the largest spot size available on the market and offer an extraordinary hair removal experience at the highest speed and with the best contact cooling. At Good Skin Days, you can find the fastest hair removal system on the market – and it’s still painless.
Call 01943 882010 or email for an appointment
4. Treatment of all skin types all year around
Our new German technology lasers allow the treatment of all skin types (I to VI), including tanned skin. There is no need to suspend the treatment during the summer and not to treat very dark skin types; at Good Skin Days all patients can count on the best results.
However, for the best advice, and for treatment plans tailored individually according to your skin it is always best to speak to one of our practitioners. Call now to book for a FREE consultation.
So what are you waiting for? Ditch the razor once and for all and take us up on our £35 per session limited time offer on some of our most popular areas.
Call 01943 882010 or email for an appointment